Oil Change
The average cost for an oil change is between $48 and $165.
Because oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle, one of the most necessary processes in auto repair is that of the Oil Change.
Because oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle, one of the most necessary processes in auto repair is that of the Oil Change. Phoenix is literally stuffed with options for this job, but a wise customer will pause and ask a very important question, “Who do I allow to touch my vehicle?”
Don't Have Your Oil Change Turn Into A Nightmare
For almost 30 years, we have been hearing the horror stories, one-stop for a discount Oil Change and your vehicle has never been the same. Perhaps it’s an oil leak, maybe you’ve been forced to add oil every thousand miles, or some other exotic issue has arisen since you took your vehicle to the shop down the street. Either way, something has gone wrong and you can’t quite put your finger on it.
No matter what anybody says, mechanics are not the same, and some will always be better than others. This is why we take great pride in the certifications that our mechanics have gained, but there is one teacher that trumps them all, and that is experience.
While many will argue that an oil change is nothing to be worried about, we strongly disagree. Like anything else done in this world, if you cut corners, or lose your attention to detail, you can find yourself on a date with disaster.

Our Certified ASE Technicians also have extensive experience and will make sure your vehicle receives the proper oil.
In Fact, we have three generations of mechanics in the family working side by side. At Curt’s Auto Repair, Excellence is a family tradition, and we hold tight to what has made our customers loyal, and our business successful.
No matter what type of vehicle you drive, or if you are a returning friend, or a brand new customer, we will always take your requirements seriously. We are aware that many people consider an oil change to be an excellent opportunity to try out an alternative shop, so we apply the same level of service and excellence to this standard procedure that we insist upon for all other jobs.
The Name Of The Game:
The purpose of engine oil is to keep the internal parts of your car's engine lubricated and cool.
Without frequent oil changes, dirt and sludge can build up in the engine, and old, dirty oil won't lubricate the moving parts as well as new, fresh oil will.
We make sure to use the weight of oil recommended in your owner's manual
We Hold Ourselves To A High Standard
We urge you to contact us if you have any questions about your vehicle, or if you have any specific concerns, our staff is standing by to make sure that your needs are seen to.
We invite you to read our reviews online, we know that our words about ourselves are hollow in comparison to the unbiased opinion of the people. So don’t take our word for it, but see for yourself how our business sets itself apart from the competition.
If your car hurts, bring it to Curt’s
Needing Your Oil Changed?
Our staff will be more than happy to address any concerns you have and give you the information you need to make the right choice for you and your vehicle.
We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about what we can do to to help you get your oil changed.
Stay involved. . . Ask questions.
Ask Questions
Ask as many questions as you need. Do not be embarrassed to request lay definitions.
Be Patient
Don't rush the technician to make an on-the-spot diagnosis. You may ask to be called and apprised of the problem, course of action, and costs before work begins.
Before you leave, be sure you understand all shop policies regarding labor rates, guarantees, and acceptable methods of payment.
Leave a Phone Number
Leave a telephone number where you can be called.